Route 66

Born on Route 66

Law LLP is very pleased to welcome Marty Fisher-Haydis as a principal in the firm.  Marty joins us from Resolute Forest Products in Montreal, where he navigated cross-border securities and other legal issues.

Marty is a native of Southwestern Arizona, along the Colorado River in the Sonora Desert.  Marty operates in the Canadian and US legal spheres and the English and Spanish linguistic worlds.  He has worked in both Bay Street and Wall Street private practice legal cultures, and as in-house counsel.  His biography and contact information can be found here.

Marty’s flight path reads like an upcoming season of Netflix: from farm life and navigating Arizona haboobs, to radical liberalism at UC Berkey, law at BU, M&A at Jones Day in New York, and then cross-border transactions (and a Canadian Citizenship) in Toronto, Montreal, and back to Toronto.  And the future may eventually include settling in Cusco, Peru, his favourite alternative to Ontario’s cottage country.

We are very pleased that Marty’s flight path now includes Pilot Law LLP!


Chuck Higgins
Managing Principal


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